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Conflict Management - 2

Conflict is not always negative power. In fact, it can be healthy when effectively managed.
Healthy conflict can lead to:

  • Growth and innovation
  • New ways of thinking
  • Additional management options

If the conflict is understood, it can be effectively managed by reaching a consensus that meets both the individual's and society's needs.

This results in mutual benefits and strengthens the relationship. The goal is for all to "win" by having at least some of their needs met.

How Public and private conflicts differ

Most of us have experience with conflict management and negotiation in private disputes (with salesman, among family members or with your employer).
Public conflicts, like those can occur during environmental issues often are rooted in trying to balance environmental protection and economic growth and jobs
Some complicating factors include:

Distribution of costs and benefits: Those who benefit may not be the same as those who pay the costs

Perception of problems: People tend to blame others for causing the problem

Speed of clean-up or other actions: Some will want changes to take place more quickly than others.